Nov 3, 2012

Fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy Relief: The Caring Cowl Pattern

From now until the end of the year, I will donate all proceeds from my pattern, The Caring Cowl, to the Red Cross to benefit Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. In addition, if you help me spread the word, I will send you a free pattern of your choosing (any from my Rav Store). *details at the end.

[caption id="attachment1713" align="alignnone" width="580" caption="The Caring Cowl is a super quick fun knit that is perfect for gifting. The pattern is easy enough for beginners, but still manages to be entertaining, not to mention ultra hip!"]<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1713 " title="Newcowlmedium2-KD" src="" />[/caption]

As you all know, I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan. The last week has been surreal. Last Sunday (one week ago) we were gathering supplies, and hoping for the best. The weathermen stopped using the cute nickname "Frankenstorm" and starting calling Hurricane Sandy the "storm of the century". I actually saw an Oklahoma "storm-chaser" on TV who traveled to NYC for what he thought would be a storm on the scale of Hurricane Katrina. People living in "Flood Zone A" areas were being asked to evacuate (just a few blocks away from our apartment). This was terrifying.

Honestly, my experience being in the hurricane was not that bad. Our lights flickered quite a bit, but I still managed to get a lot of knitting done. We lost television reception and internet, so we played board games and made up a new cocktail recipe. We stayed up late, and slept-in the next morning.

We faired pretty well in this neighborhood of Brooklyn, but it would be 3 more days before we made contact with my parents who live in lower Manhattan. I probably called them 100 times. I was sick with worry. Finally on Wednesday, they showed up on our doorstep, haggard and with all their luggage in tow. They had been in the dark for days, both literally and figuratively. We showed them all the devastating pictures coming in from Breezy Point and Atlantic City, and our hearts were broken, but at least we were together. They stayed with us until today, when their power was restored at their apartment.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words of support. Everything turned out okay for us, so it is now time to turn our compassion outward towards the folks who have really been affected.

** Please help me spread the word about my fundraiser! If you tweet, post on Facebook, or include a link to Caring Cowl or this post on your blog, I would love to send you a free pattern from my Ravelry Store. All you have to do is comment below with your pattern choice and include a link to your mention. Thanks again!


  • Lisa
    over 12 years ago

    I am inspired by your generosity, especially going through the storm. I have posted a link to your cowl on my Ravelry group, Sock Yarn Round Robin. I wish you all the best in the weeks and months to come as your region recovers. I'm glad to spread the word in this small way.

  • Kate
    over 12 years ago

    I hope you can see this in the link...I've never tried linking to a tweet before. I can't imagine this happening to my city. As I've made (and love) the DeLancey Cardigan, I would love a shot at the Bergen Street Cardigan.

  • Karen Talamantez
    over 12 years ago

    I bought the pattern and shared your site on Facebook and Pinterest. I don't need a free pattern. Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it. Also, the cowl is a perfect design for my living-in-a-cold-place son's girlfriend.

  • Marilyn Buergel
    over 12 years ago

    Taking the lead from a bonus daughter of mine and in support of another bonus daughter in NYC I think this is marvelous. what better way to donate. Help for victims of the storm and knitting....

  • Kimberley Buergel
    over 12 years ago

    Love this! Such a great and generous way to help out in this situation. My sister lives in Brooklyn and works in Manhattan. Her home in Brooklyn wasn't too affected by the storm but her life has been anything but normal this past week. I live on the west coast and have been so worried about her and all of the others who live in storm affacted areas. I wish you and your family all the best and will include you in my thoughts. I posted this blog entry on my facebook page.

  • Pam Gibson
    over 12 years ago

    I just shared your link on Facebook, plan to buy the caring cowl pattern and would love to get the Georgina cardigan pattern. Good to hear you stayed safe and that you reconnected with your folks.

  • Alexis Winslow
    over 12 years ago

    Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all your help. Your support is already working! My inbox is full of notifications for pattern sales. Keep up the good work, and remember, if you want a free pattern, please specify which one in your comment. Many Thanks! - Alexis

  • Emily Dykhuizen
    over 12 years ago

    You generosity is amazing. There are so many people hurting and in a deep need for help due to Hurricane Sandy. I am looking forward to knitting this up for Chrsitmas gifts. I would also love a copy of Sascha hat. What an inspiration you are!

  • Carin
    over 12 years ago

    I just retweeted your glad to see people get involved in those cause! I would love a copy of your capital scarflette. :)

  • Melissa Argo
    over 12 years ago

    I just shared your link on Facebook. Please choose a pattern for me like a scarf or simple headband. I'm not an expert knitter but love to try. I hope you get hundreds of sales.

  • Vassiliki
    over 12 years ago

    A very nice and caring gesture for those in need. And a very beautiful design, fitted for our Christmas gifts. I have shared your announcement on fb ( and I would love to receive your "Bergen Street Cardigan" pattern. Thank you and congratulations.

  • Roberta
    over 12 years ago

    Will be happy to post your link.

  • Kris Hansen
    over 12 years ago

    I just shared your link on Facebook through VogueKnitting. My FB isn't public--not sure how you see? You can view shares on the VK post. I'd love to have the Gowanus Shawl.

  • Desiree
    over 12 years ago

    Such a fantastic way to help a cause! I shared it on Facebook ( and Tumblr. I think the Miss Myrtle fingerless gloves are gorgeous. I hope that my sharing helps.

  • chrisine boyle
    over 12 years ago

    This is great. I too was affected by the hurricane as I live at the Shore. point pleasant taround and it is ho be exact. while I am only a mile from the beach, I can see first hand the devastation and it is heartbreaking. we were without power for five days but we were lucky. I was able to do a lot if knitting and crocheting when I had daylight and a big pile of home made items Will be brought to those who literally have nothing left. it is getting cold so any little thing I can do I Will. I would love to crank out some of these field for them. thank you for your thoughtfulness and compassion. it is going to be a very long road.

  • Morgan
    over 12 years ago

    Just shared the link on my FB, you should be able to see it here. I would love the Gowanus pattern! Going to go grab the Sandy pattern now. I have the perfect yarn. :)

  • Melinda Weed
    over 12 years ago

    Lovely pattern which I shared here- I would love to give the Bergen Street cardigan a try. I hope cleanup is quick and painless. We went through Floyd in NC in '99, and that was nothing compared to this one.

  • Joan Garrison
    over 12 years ago

    i posted on my facebook page; not sure if you'll be able to see it if we aren't friends, but here is a copy of my post - and great idea, and thank you for your effort! Joan L Garrison shared a link. a few seconds ago near Astoria Something different for Sandy relief. Calling all knitanistas. If you're stuck in the house because you're out of gas, or there's no transport to take you anywhere, I know you've got plenty of yarn. ;-) Caring Cowl: For Charity | Knit Darling | Knitting Patterns and Videos by Alexis Winslow Original Design by Alexis Winslow$3.00 PDF Download (all proceeds go to American Red Cross)After seeing the heartbreaking aftermath from the recent devastating earthquakes in Japan, I’m publishing this pattern for sale as a fundraiser for the American Red Cross. Please help out by buying this patte...

  • Natalie
    over 12 years ago

    I shared your pattern on my facebook page! This is so generous of you. I would love a cope of Miss Myrtle. Thanks again! - Natalie

  • Kelly C
    over 12 years ago

    I re-tweeted your link, also bought the pattern! I hope you raise lots of $$$ for all those poor people suffering! I'd love to get either the pattern for the Delancey Cardigan, or the Bergen Street Cardigan! I love stripey cardigans!!

  • Colleen Shaw
    over 12 years ago

    What a wonderful thing to do . I will enjoy knitting your patter ans look forward to making the Sascha hat as well.

  • Colleen Shaw
    over 12 years ago

    What a wonderful thing to do . I look forward to knitting this and the Sascha hat as well. Thank you

  • Mercedes Rivera
    over 12 years ago

    I just shared your link on Facebook and liked your FB page. I’d love to have the Gowanus Shawl. Good luck with your fund raiser.

  • Claudia Panatti
    over 12 years ago

    I will spread the word

  • KT Schonbeck
    over 12 years ago

    Will share on FB and at work....

  • Christina DeJong
    over 12 years ago

    Just purchased the pattern--thank you for doing this! I posted to FB (which is private, so you can't see that one), but also posted to Twitter on I'd love the Sascha beanie pattern, and appreciate you sharing! ChrissyDJ (on Ravelry)

  • Alexis Winslow
    over 12 years ago

    Oh my goodness! You are all the best! I don't even know what to say.

  • Micha
    over 12 years ago

    I just made a blog-post and made a twitter message. (me @ twitter is Micha82). Blog Post will also be posted @ facebook. Hope that helps! Off to buy the cowl pattern now and I really fell in love with the Figurehead Shawl... Thank you!

  • Imree
    over 12 years ago

    I can't buy the pattern just yet, but I will as soon as possible! I think this is a really awesome idea- I shared this link on my facebook page ( as well as my Tumblr ( I've been meaning to try a cardigan for a while, and I'd love for the Georgina Cardigan to be my first!

  • Ellen Miller
    over 12 years ago

    Just shared on my FB page. Thanks for being so generous!!

  • Heather Wise
    over 12 years ago

    thanks for donating the sales from your cowl pattern to hurricane sandy victims! i'm from astoria and my building is less than 50 feet from the east river. we somehow, luckily, were not flooded here and didn't even have our electricity go out. however, many of my friends who live in different neighborhoods around queens and brooklyn were not so lucky. i did post your pattern on my fb page, but it's set to private, so i'm not sure that you'll be able to see it: i took a screenshot of the posting and would be happy to email it over to you if the link doesn't work. i'd love a copy of the bergen street cardigan. i love the detail of how the arm seams meet the collar behind on the upper back. lovely work. thanks again, h

  • Cathy
    over 12 years ago

    Thank you for doing this. You have a lot of beautiful work on your Ravelry page. I would be interested in the Zelda Cloche.!/cathy.hoffmanshull is my facebook. I'll be back to purchase! the gloves are beautiful and the shrug... Nice work. Glad you and your's are fine. Where will I send my work when done? Thank you again ;)

  • Deb
    over 12 years ago

    Just posted this to Facebook. I would love the pattern for your "Caring Cowl" -- I love knitting cowls. They're easy, quick, and feel good giving to others.

  • Suzie
    over 12 years ago

    Thank you for doing this. I bought it and shared the pattern. I love your Gowanus shawlette.

  • Lindsay
    over 12 years ago

    What a nice gesture! I bought the cowl, which will be perfect for holiday gift knitting, and I shared this link on my fb wall ( Thank you so much for your generosity! I would be quite thrilled to knit your Bergen Street cardigan.

  • Danielle H
    over 12 years ago

    I bought a pattern and posted it on my facebook page (Not sure if this is the proper link!/) I also emailed the link to this page to some of my knitting friends who dont use facebook. The owner of my LYS shared on her page already, but I am going to post to some of the other LYS I know of on facebook. Glad to hear you "weathered" the storm OK. I would love a copy of your capital scarflette, it looks like a fun knit. You are a generous and kind knitter! Thank you!

  • KnitNat
    over 12 years ago

    What a lovely and caring gift you are giving to others. I am so happy to help support your efforts. I would love to have the Gowanus pattern. I have tweeted and posted your pattern and offer to my facebook page (!/natalie.kuehn.503). Thanks so much. Good Luck with the fundraising efforts.

  • Paula
    over 12 years ago

    Lamento mucho lo que está pasando con ustedes. Los mejores deseos

  • Kathy Minton
    over 12 years ago

    Pattern bought and link posted on Facebook (uk). Our thoughts in the uk are with you all - we certainly shouldn't complain about our British weather. Wishing you all the best.

  • Wendi Halstead
    over 12 years ago

    I just shared on facebook @ I’d love the Georgina Cardigan. Thanks!

  • MarpPat Healy Stagen
    over 12 years ago

    I love this pattern for the Caring Cowl. I posted it on my Facebook Page with the link. Here is the link to my facebook posting: We're in New Jersey, and I knitted through the storm, the power outage, without internet, phone, or TV. We listened to our ed Cross emergency radio, light, and siren - a wind-up... So glad we have electricity and heat again, Internet, TV, and phones....

  • Nancy Clark
    over 12 years ago

    Hi. I have shared this via Twitter. Hope this link works I purchased the cowl pattern, thanks for this opportunity to help. If possible, I am really interested in the Zelda cloche, but looks like not a Ravelry pattern, so if it is not available, I would then be happy to get the Baby Audrey hat. Hope you raise lots through this effort.

  • MarpPat Healy Stagen
    over 12 years ago

    Here's a better link:!/MaryPat.Stagen

  • Kelly Casey
    over 12 years ago

    Pattern purchased and request tweeted earlier this afternoon also planning on posting on Facebook. Your Gowanus pattern is quite lovely and looks like a fun knit. Thank you so much for your lovely contribution so glad to hear that you and yours made it through the storm relatively unscathed.

  • nichole
    over 12 years ago

    thank you for your story, I learned about it through my friend Courtney. here's my tweet I choose the Georgina Cardigan thank you.

  • Michelle
    over 12 years ago

    What a wonderful idea! I'll certainly spread the word!!

  • Lori
    over 12 years ago

    Thanks for helping out other victims of the hurricane! Glad all is well with you. I shared via Twitter I think I'd like to try Gowanus please! Thanks. :)

  • Lolly
    over 12 years ago

    Hey! I put a link to your post in my blog entry about how people can help out after the hurricane. You can see it here: Also, I bought a cowl pattern, because I think it's really great what you're doing to help, and so creative! I feel like it's kindof cheating, because my blog is new and doesn't get a huge amount of traffic yet, but if you don't mind, I'd love the Georgina cardigan pattern. I think all your designs are beautiful.

  • Crystal
    over 12 years ago

    I have posted your page to my facebook wall for all my fellow knitters to see!/Ziuanna?__user=1163989003& . You are so nice to do this! I would love the cowl pattern so I can gear up my kids for the coming cold.

  • Sonia
    over 12 years ago

    Hi! good idea for christmas present! And good action at the same time! I really love your Gowanus, if possible. Good luck! sonia

  • Julia O'Neill
    over 12 years ago

    This is an incredible thing you are doing! I bought the pattern and shared the link on my facebook page I am also going to post the link to some groups I belong to on facebook. I would like to receive the Gowanus shawl pattern. Thank You SO MUCH for your kindness to others! :)

  • Sandy Desaulniers
    over 12 years ago

    I have shared your link on Facebook. I think this is really a wonderful thing you're doing! I'll be buying the cowl pattern, it's sooo pretty! Happy to hear you and your family are all doing well. I'd love to get a copy of the Zelda Cloche hat please. Thank you so much!!!

  • Bonnie
    over 12 years ago

    What a great way to use what you have to help others!! I reblogged someone's post on Tumblr and posted on Facebook. No need to give me anything. I bought the pattern. Like I said on FB - I may never get to make it, but if I do, I will be able to do it. I'm not a very accomplished knitter! But every little bit helps when it comes to helping others!

  • Deborah
    over 12 years ago

    This is a wonderful thing, the pattern looks amazing. Keep Safe, if there is anything we can do to help......................... I will share this in my knitting group, Have A Yarn, in Mahone Bay, NS and on my facebook page.

  • Thea Schoep
    over 12 years ago

    Thanks for be pretty awsome! I reposted the link before comeing to your blog! But would love to have a pattern from you. Reine looks awsome. I am going to buy the cowl. Thanks again!

  • Lois
    over 12 years ago

    I shared and bought. Don't want another pattern consider it another donation.

  • Elizabeth
    over 12 years ago

    I hlpe that you raise a lot of money.

  • Danielle Koman
    over 12 years ago

    What a great idea! Shared on FB. How long will you have the pattern up for charity? I would love to try the Delancy cardigan! thanks and good luck to everyone there.

  • Sue Ostergaard
    over 12 years ago

    Great pattern, great idea. I purchased the pattern, have it waiting in my Ravelry library! No need to give me anything else. Glad to hear you and your parents are doing OK, and I've been sending prayers for all those who had much damage. I've been through a flood myself, and know how devastating that can be.

  • Sharon
    over 12 years ago

    I also pinned this to my Knit and Crochet board on Pinterest. So nice:-)

  • Carrie Au
    over 12 years ago

    Great Idea! I'm not a knitter but I will post this link in my crochet groups (some of them knit also). I will also put pin this to my Pintrest. Good Luck!

  • Bernadette Walsh
    over 12 years ago

    Posted to my Facebook page:, also retweeted @VintageKnits (my Twitter ID), and purchased the Caring Cowl pattern! So glad to help!! I'd love a copy of Gowanus, if possible.

  • Cindy Rader
    over 12 years ago

    Posted on FB, November 6th/my choice of your gorgeous patterns would be "Miss Myrtle". What a neat idea! Thank you.

  • Terri DuLong
    over 12 years ago

    A very caring thing to do and very happy to donate to such a worthy cause. A great project for gifts and so pretty!

  • Sheila Quinn
    over 12 years ago

    I will post this on my Facebook and I have purchased the pattern. this is such a great way to help out. No need to send me a free pattern--you have done enough. Thinking of all of you in Sandy's path. Hurricanes are destructive in ways one cannot even imagine until it actually happens to you or a loved one.

  • Mari
    over 12 years ago

    I just posted about your pattern at I'd love to try out the Sascha pattern. Thanks so much for your generosity!

  • Lise
    over 12 years ago

    Hello! this is great! I love your "caring cowl" and I love this idea... I will take one pattern from your ravelry store, I am also taking one Gowanus and if you could send me as my "free" one the capital scarflette? Thank you, I hope a lot of people will be following you!

  • Julia
    over 12 years ago

    Hi Alexis. This is so great, I just bought one as a gift for a Brooklyn knitting friend! I shared it on twitter as well, so hopefully more of my knitting followers buy a few. Julia

  • Judi Spitzer
    over 12 years ago

    Thanks! I've posted on Facebook. That's a good thing you are doing!

  • Traci
    over 12 years ago

    Shared on FB. Hopefully people will get behind your cause.

  • Ginger
    over 12 years ago

    Gosh, glad to hear that you and your parents are OK. It was such a scary week, and my heart is broken for all the people who suffered so much from the storm.

  • DonnaArch
    over 12 years ago

    Found this on Zite and was so impressed with what you are doing. Bought the pattern and plan to share your info on FB? Good luck and thank you!

  • Joy
    over 12 years ago

    Thank you for sharing with those in need. Lovely pattern. Also bought the Georgina cardigan pattern - no need to send a freebie. Thanks again.

  • Jenny
    over 12 years ago

    Thank you so much for what you are doing! I just bought the Caring Cowl pattern, and posted your link on my FB page: I'd love the Gowanus Scarf/Shawl pattern. Thank you! Good luck - it looks like you've already done an amazing job with your fund-raising.

  • Leigh
    over 12 years ago

    This is posted on my FB. I'll be ordering a pattern soon - when I finish the two current projects... This is a wonderful effort - I wish you the best in raising some much needed funds and awareness.

  • Krista Dunbar
    over 12 years ago

    Thanks for knitting for a cause! I posted this on my facebook wall. Hopefully people will bite to help! I love the Delancey sweater pattern!

  • Stephanie
    over 12 years ago

    What a wonderful idea! I would have bought your cowl pattern anyway - it's adorable and I love a good cowl - but I'm so glad the proceeds are going to help the storm victims. I bought the cowl pattern and the Bergen Street Cardigan pattern. I've posted this to my facebook, so if you want to send me a free pattern, I'll take the Gowanus. (Otherwise, I'll probably just end up buying it.) Thank you for doing this! :)

  • Angela Thor
    over 12 years ago

    The local knitting club will be happy to see this. I posted on my Facebook to be sure they all see it. . The Arbuckle Hat pattern will be great for the warm clothing drive too.

  • cindy hawkes
    over 12 years ago

    Love this idea! I would actually like the Caring Cowl pattern! Keep up the good work!

  • cindy hawkes
    over 12 years ago

    Oops! I meant the Sacha pattern. I'm going to purchase the Caring Cowl - thanks!

  • Penny m
    over 12 years ago

    I bought the cowl, looking forward to making some Christmas gifts. You are doing such a wonderful thing, I do not want to take another pattern from you. I will share on my facebook page Thanks

  • Tree
    over 12 years ago Hi. I just Retweeted and am heading to rav to buy the pattern. I'd love a copy of red bud gloves. I have Gems in red and pink just waiting for a pattern like this! Thanks and good luck. We just moved from Long Island last year and my heart goes out to so many dear friends struggling through this disaster. My daughters school is collecting goods for a sister city in Brooklyn and shipping overnight from CA tomorrow. Our hearts are with you.

  • Donnell S.
    over 12 years ago

    I added your Caring Cowl to Facebook at I would like a copy of Gowanus. I'm really into scarflettes and shawls right now. Hope things are starting to look up for your area.

  • Jill
    over 12 years ago

    Hello! I found you via Disparate Disciplines. I love the Caring Cowl and am promoting on my Facebook page (The Denver Sewing Collective). When I complete the cowl I will also post on my blog too. I would love the Georgina Cardigan pattern and think this is such a swell idea to help those in need. .

  • Katherine
    over 12 years ago

    Thank you for doing this. I bought your pattern and I am excited to get started after at least 3 or 4 projects that are ahead of this one. I also liked you to facebook. I really appreciate you doing this fundraiser. I really like the figurehead shawl. Katherine

  • Marla
    over 12 years ago

    Love this charity idea! So glad you got extra time with your parents, even if the circumstance wasn't the greatest. I am posting in my knitting groups, as well as the Knit in Public Day page for Fort Worth Texas. I would like the Gowanus, please. My parents are here from Norman, and I am enjoying them!

  • Pat Carter
    about 12 years ago

    I love the generosity of this idea. I will share this with my Newbie Knitters group.

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