Jul 1, 2014

Machine Knitting 101

Since I finished writing the manuscript for my book, I've been trying to use my extra time to expand my skills. I've had a lot of fun doing so many different things like video production, web design, and even exercise (I've been working up to doing a push-up, and somehow discovered that I like running- nobody saw that coming, especially me!).

I've been all over the place doing things that have very little to do with knitting, but last weekend I brought it home (a little) by taking a two-day intensive machine knitting class at the Textile Arts Center.


The class was taught by Mandy Kordal, who has her very own beautiful independent knitwear line. She taught us 3 cast-on techniques, how to make eyelets, some simple shaping techniques, and a few different ways to bind-off. By the end of the class, everyone had made a simple slouchy beanie. Here's mine:


I used two strands of yarn knitted together to get a marled effect. Here's what it looked like right before I "casted-off":


Of course knitting by machine is very different from hand knitting, but I was definitely able to apply my design skills. I have to admit, sailing through a 100 stitch row of stockinette in about 2 seconds was pretty exhilarating. I couldn't help myself when I saw we had some extra time at the end of class, and I whipped up this simple top.


I think owning a knitting machine would be pretty useful because I could quickly test out unusual shapes for my knitting patterns. But the machines are pretty expensive, so unless I find time to produce and sell my knitted items, I'm not sure it makes sense to buy one. If I ever saw one for cheap at a garage sale though, I would snatch it up in a heartbeat!

Have you ever owned a knitting machine? Did you use it much?


  • melissa
    over 10 years ago

    Mine sits in the hallway, unloved and dusty. Haven't used it since my FIT days! I think it could be useful in testing out unusual shapes, but getting it out, finding a space for it and making a whole bunch of noise for the neighbors isn't my idea of fun.

  • Alexis Winslow
    over 10 years ago

    Melissa, I bet if I owned one that would probably be the case too. The textile arts center has $18 hourly rentals, if you're ever interested.

  • virginie
    over 10 years ago

    I never used a knitting machine, but always dreamt of it. I love your top! I saw one very similar pattern on Ravelry, but it's miles and miles of stockinette! Maybe one day ....

  • Alexis Winslow
    over 10 years ago

    Virginie- I've also been looking at some of those tops on Ravelry, and I just don't know if I could commit myself all that boring knitting! This top was the perfect project for a knitting machine!

  • Fuego Azul
    over 10 years ago

    Your beanie is adorable & your top is beautiful! I can easily understand how flying through so many miles of st st can be exhilarating. You could make all of those vanilla garments you desire & still have time to get into those juicy intricate patterns! I have an extension set made for a knitting machine that I found, but sadly no knitting machine....your post makes me want to own one too! :)

  • Robin richey
    over 10 years ago

    I have been shopping around for a knitting machine....what brand is yours, if you don't mind my asking?

  • Alexis Winslow
    over 10 years ago

    Hi Robin, The machine I was using is actually not mine. It belonged to the studio that I took the class at. I believe the model was a discontinued "Brother". Good luck with your shopping!

  • Mara
    over 10 years ago

    I inherited my grandmothers knitting machine 2 years ago and I'm sad to say it is STILL in the shipping crate. Just haven't found the space or time to play with it yet. I made a few swatches with her several years ago. Agree that it makes the most sense for never-ending stockinette, which, unfortunately isn't usually what interests me. Still, I'm grateful to have this family heirloom and know I'll get to it someday.

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