Jan 17, 2012

New Patterns: Juris Mitts and Tilt Cowl

You may have noticed a few weeks ago that I slipped in a couple new patterns; The Juris Mitts and the Tilt Cowl were released in the new Interweave Knits Accessories magazine.
You can purchase and download this issue here.

The Juris Mitts pattern is for a basic uni-sex pair of convertible mittens with tipless gloves. The Mittens have gotten a great response and have been gaining popularity on Ravelry. It’s so neat to see everyone’s project pictures!

I love this pattern so much, that I made myself a pair. It’s been absolutely frigid in New York, so needless to say, these mittens are my new favorite thing! I left the tip off of the right thumb so I could still use my iphone, though having my thumb out all the time has been amazingly useful for all sorts of things. For example, just check out this super awesome thumbs up I am able to achieve.

I originally made these gloves in secret as a Christmas gift for my husband. I started them when I was picked to serve on a jury. The trial lasted for more than two weeks so I had the perfect opportunity to knit under the radar! Below are the original gloves that I made for him:

My other pattern in the magazine, the Tilt Cowl, is another must-have basic that would make a great easy gift for a guy or a girl.

I also originally made this for my husband. He's not a big fan of scarves, which would be absolutely heartbreaking for many knitters. Despite his egregious misjudgment of neckwear, like any good knitter, I insisted that he needed something to keep him warm. After all, he does ride his bike to work everyday, even in January.  This cowl seemed like a good solution for his neck coldness issues. I'm happy to say that he does actually wear it.

I’d love to hear what you all think. Does your husband think scarves are sissy too? Please leave a comment in the section below!


  • brian
    about 13 years ago

    Do you remember what we were looking for in those last pics? A sunnier brick wall?

  • CambriaW
    about 13 years ago

    Hi Alexis! Sadly, I join you in the "husbands-who-won't-wear-a-scarf" club. I've tried everything. It's taken 8 years of marriage just to get him to finally let me knit him one hat, one pair of gloves, and one pair of socks. He finally did find a sweater that he likes and agreed to wear, so that's positive progress :) I'm going to show him the cowl and see what he says...since I'm on a hot streak ;)

  • Misiula
    about 13 years ago

    Hi, Alexis. I've been reading the blog for a while but haven't commented yet, but now I have to because... my husband hates scarves. I have a cunning plan to knit him a cowl and after reading this post I know that's the way to go! :-) I really enjoy your designs. I wish you a lot of inspiration and fun sketching and knitting in 2012!

  • Alexis Winslow
    about 13 years ago

    Thanks Misiula! Best of luck with the cowl.

  • Kathryn Hollinger
    almost 13 years ago

    My husband will wear a scarf if he is in France. This could be a double bonus for you. He was not that keen on the cowl....mostly because of the goofy soupstrainer on the guy wearing it in the magazine..they should have used your cute husband instead.

  • Alexis Winslow
    almost 13 years ago

    Haha! Thanks! The pictures in the magazine were a bit odd. I couldn't stop staring at the model's mustache! He looks like he was plucked off the streets of Williamsburg in Brooklyn.

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